Dr. Warm’s Medical Education Corner
One of the most important aspects of education "is not whether the teacher teaches, but that the learner learns." This is a core pillar of our residency. In this area of the website, Dr. Warm will give us a glimpse into the huge world of education theory that is usually hidden in journals that most of us have never heard of. Maybe a few stray posts will wander in about a variety of other subjects - perhaps some of his favorite things about Cincinnati or etymology.
Blog Posts
What would it sound like if interns had sportscasters describing their activities? Imagine the possibilities…
How to Go from Nervous to Calm When you Present In Front of a Crowd
How to be there, even when you’re not. A starter list of #meded leaders active on twitter — please add to it!
Stinking Roses and The Feedback Sandwich — Why the word ‘negative’ turns feedback painful, and what you can do about it.
Medical training often promotes a Fixed Mindset. If we want to move to Growth Mindset we first need to recognize what we are now doing. Read this story of an attending and two students on the wards. Do you see yourself reflected in the narrative?
Residents and students are using the word ‘endorse’ incorrectly. I want to put a stop to it.
Dr. Warm’s Learning Corner: Is your head spinning from the most recent Academic Half Day? Check out Dr. Warm’s discussion about Interleaving and how we use it during Academic Half Dayto improve long-term learning.
Dr. Warm’s Learning Corner: Today check out some of his favorite eateries around the city!
What do you think?