Reading Lists
+ Perioperative Medicine
- Dr. Held's Perioperative Medicine Updates PPT (with questions)
- ACC Decision Pathway for Periprocedural Management of Anticoagulation in Patients With Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation - 2017
- Preoperative Chest X-rays: A Teachable Moment
- Management of Antithrombotic Therapy in Patients Undergoing Invasive Procedures
- ACS NSQIP Surgical Risk Calculator
- MDCALC - Revised Cardiac Risk Index for Pre-Operative Risk
- Preoperative Medication Management - Johns Hopkins hospitalist CME module.
- JCC Bridging Anticoagulation
+ Medicine Consultation
- ACLS Refresher
- N.b. We still have access to our ACLS modules online, find the login information in your emails by searching "ACLS", it may be in your personal email -
+ Ischemia
- Chest Pain Guidelines
- AHA/ACC Guidelines for Lipids
- COURAGE Trial - PCI vs. medical tx for stable CAD
- PROVE-IT - high intensity statin
- CURE trial - ASA+clopidogrel in NSTEMI
- CABG review - NEJM 2016
- PRODIGY Trial - DAPT 12 vs 30 mos
- PCSK9 inhibitor (alirocumab) for hypercholesterolemia
+ Arrhythmia
- ACC/AHA Guidelines on Ventricular Arrhythmia
- Atrial Fibrillation Guidelines
- AFFIM Trial - rate vs rhythm AFib
- RACE-II - intensive vs liberate rate control AFib
- ROCKET-AF - Rivaroxaban in AF
- RE-LY - Dabigatran in AF
- ARISTOTLE - Apixiban in AF
- SPAF Trial - ASA or warfarin in AF
- SVT Reviewed Paper NEJM
- Syncope NEJM
- How to Identify Cardiac Device
+ Heart Failure
- AHA/ACC Guidelines for Management of Heart Failure
- COMET - carvedilol in HFrEF
- RALES - spironolactone in HFrEF (III-IV)
- EMPHASIS-HF - eplerenone in HFrEF (II-IV)
- CHFpEF Review Paper
- Cardiorenal Syndrome - circulation reviews
- PARADIGM-HF - ARNI (sucubitril)
+ Valvular Disease
+ Gastroenterology
ACG Guidelines
- Benign Anorectal Disorders
- Acute Pancreatitis
- C. difficile
- Celiac Disease
- Idiosyncratic Drug-Induced Liver Injury
- Ulcer Bleeding
- Management and Prevention of Variceal Bleeding
- Acute Infectious Diarrhea NEJM
- Celiac Disease: Ten Things every GI Should Know
- Microscopic colitis - Gastroenterology
- Management in PUD UGIB
- Gastrointestinal angiodysplasia Review Article
- Gastric Antral Vascular Ectasia (GAVE) Syndrome
+ Hepatology
+ Acute Renal Failure
- JAMA: ARF ReviewA
- NEJM: ARF and Sepsis
- Prerenal/Ischemic AKI
- ARF - Review
- AAFP: Urinalysis Review
- Urine Micro accuracy for AKI
+ Acute Tubular Necrosis
+ Miscellaneous
+ Chronic Kidney Disease
- NEJM: Uremia
- NEJM: Stage IV Chronic Kidney Disease
- ACP: In the Clinic Series - CKD Review
- Mayo: Top 10 Things PCPs Should Know About CKD
- NEJM: ACEi in Advanced Non-DM CKD
+ Diabetic Kidney Disease
- Cochrane Rev: ACEi/ARBs progression of DM Nephropathy
- NEJM: ARB in DM pts with proteinuria
- NEJM: RENAAL Trial Losartan in DM
- Cochrane Review: ACE/ARBs decrease ESRD
+ Dialysis
- NEJM: Hemodialysis - Medical Progress Review
- NEJM: CRRT for AKI - Clinical Therapeutics Review
- NEJM: Ultrafiltration in CHF with Cardiorenal Syndrome
- CJASN: To dialyze or not - Case discussion of AKI in the ICU
+ Transplant
+ Electrolytes
- NEJM: SIADH Review
- NEJM: Hyponatremia Review
- AJKD: Review of Vaptan Physiology and Use in Hyponatremia
- AJKD: Beer Potomania
- NEJM: Hypernatremia
+ Hypertension
Secondary HTN and Specific Populations
- AHA: Renovascular HTN/Ischemic Nephropathy
- AAFP: Diagnosis of Secondary Hypertension: An Age-Based Approach
- Clinical Endo: Primary Hyperaldo-general review.
- Nature: Primary Hyperaldo-Diagnosis and Treatment Strategies
+ Glomerulonephritis and Nephrotic Syndrome
+ Critical Care Medicine
- Early Goal Directed Therapy (EGDT) targeting on SVO2 >70, MAP >65, CVP 8-12, and UOP > 0.5mL/kg/hr reduces mortality in sepsis!
- EGDT Does not reduce mortality... but perhaps early identification of sepsis with a focus on fluid resuscitation and antibiotics do.
- New Fancy Sepsis Guidelines
- Maybe we shouldn't keep changing the definition of Sepsis?
Fluid Management
- Conservative fluids in patient's with acute lung injury (ARDS) does not change mortality, but does decrease LoS in ICU and Vent time without increasing extra-pulmonary end-organ-damage
- The use of colloids vs crystalloids in hypovolemia does not result in significant mortality difference at 28-days
Steroids in Shock
- The majority of cortisol is protein bound and in the protein-depleted state of sepsis, measuring cortisol is clinically insignificant
- Hydrocortisone did not improve survival or reversal of shock in patients with septic shock, either overall or in patients who did not have a response to corticotropin, although hydrocortisone hastened reversal of shock in patients in whom shock was reversed.
- Dopamine used to be first line in shock, now it is levophed (norepinephrine). This study showed no mortality difference between the two, but Dopamine had a significantly higher rate of cardiac complications
- MAPs of 65-70 have the same outcomes compared to MAPs of 80-85 in septic shock (this does not always hold true for all patients)
- Can you put pressors in through a peripheral? Yes, it is safe although not ideal.
- JAMA: Berlin ARDS
- Decreased delta of PIP/PEEP during ARDS ventilation is associated with improved survivorship.
- Using 6ml/kg Vt in ARDS ventilation is associated with less Acute Lung Injury and Barotrauma, improving mortality.
- Ventilation Review
- NEJM: Bleeding and Coagulopathies in Critical Care - 2014
- CHEST: Risk of Procedural Hemorrhage - 2016
- ACC: Management of Pulmonary Embolism - 2015
Right Heart Failure
Central Line
- NEJM: Conservative vs Aggressive transfusion in GIB
- NEJM: TRICC Conservative Transfusion
- NEJM: TRISS Transfusion Trial
- NEJM: Lactulose +/- Rifaximin in Hepatic Encephalopathy
- CHEST: Adult Toxicology in Critical Care Part 1
- CHEST: Adult Toxicology in Critical Care Part 2
- CHEST: Adult Toxicology in Critical Care Part 3
+ Pulmonology
+ Science of Learning
- Academic Medicine: Six Strategies for Effective Learning
- Anesth Analog: The Cognitive Science of Learning - Concepts and Strategies for the Educator and Learner
- IMBES: Science Supports Education - The Behavioral Research Base for Psychology’s Top 20 Principles for Enhancing Teaching and Learning
+ Clinical Teaching
- Medical Teacher: Twelve Tips to Improve Medical Teaching Rounds
- Mayo Clinic Proceedings: Proposal for a Collaborative Approach to Clinical Teaching
- Medical Education: Applying the Science of Learning to Medical Education
- BMJ: ABC of Learning and Teaching Medicine - Applying Educational Theory in Practice
- ATS: Practical Strategies for Effective Lectures