Welcome to UCMC wards! Below you will find some helpful unit-specific information and attending expectations during your time on the UC wards. For specific questions regarding inpatient patient care policies and procedures, please see the “UCMC Logistics” page of this site. You may also page the chief resident on call, available by searching on Qgenda.
+ Wards Expectations
- As a reminder, the following requirements are new this year:
- Hospitalists on color teams are expected to cover the senior team pager when the senior resident is off. Pager numbers can be found on the UCMC Logistics page (under Inpatient).
- Rounds should begin by 8am and end by 11:30am at the latest
- Night float residents must be out by 9am
- An intern will present a max of 3 overnight admissions
- When a team member is absent, please consider billing directly off the MS3 notes (in lieu the resident writing an additional note)
- For more detailed description of rounding expectations, please see this document
- For an overview of Geo Wards and the UC GIM inpatient system, please see this PowerPoint
- Please reach out to Danielle Clark at clark2d9@ucmail.uc.edu (702-461-1928) with any questions or concerns.
+ Documentation Assessment
- Please try to evaluate one H&P for each intern on your service – more is even better!
- Please view this Powerpoint to find the HNO ID for the evaluation; this and many other resources are available on TheSilverFridge website (under Inpatient -> UCMC Logistics -> Documentation. The password is ucmedicine).
- Thank you for providing important feedback to improve documentation! If you have any questions email Danielle Weber at weber2de@ucmail.uc.edu
+ Night Float Feedback
- Please consider routing your attestation (or send an Epic message) to the intern + senior if you have specific feedback about medical decision-making, especially if the patient was not presented in the morning.
- Because it is difficult to match up night float residents and attendings in our system, we often rely on self-initiated MedHub evals.
- Please reach out to Danielle Clark at clark2d9@ucmail.uc.edu (702-461-1928) with any questions, concerns, or additional feedback on how we can improve this system!
+ Huddles / Unit Specific Info
- Please see the UCMC Logistics page for details on the timing of interdisciplinary huddles for each unit/team.
- Huddles occur for all IM units, and attendings are expected to participate. Info about unit huddles are included on the above pages. The huddle script can be found in the nurse’s station.