A Starter List of #meded Leaders

No one else was in
The room where it happened
The room where it happened

--Lin Manuel Miranda

Last week, some of the greatest medical educators in the world gathered in one room in Basel Switzerland. 

And...I wasn't there.

The meeting was the Second World Summit of Competency Based Medical Education.

On the bright side, I was home and therefore able to see my daughter's first varsity cross country track meet instead. Very cool and something I will always remember. 

But...if you've ever been a parent at a cross country meet you know that your kid runs for 20 minutes, and you sit around for five hours. 

Fun times. But then, half a world a way those amazing medical educators were live tweeting from the meeting, and I kind of got to be in the room where it happened.

I encourage everyone to live tweet meetings they attend because there might be some Dad somewhere sitting in his car on a rainy day needing something to do.

I present to you a starter list of great medical educators on twitter -- follow these people and you will learn directly from the masters (or bookmark this page and use it a launching pad).

Help me make this list complete -- If you have someone to add put their twitter handle in the comments section, and I will include them!

Happy twittering (click on the names to get there)!

Eric Holmboe @boedudley     Jason Frank @drjfrank    Jonathan Sherbino @sherbino

Teresa Chan @TChanMD     Daniel Schumacher @DrDanSchumacher   

Lorelei Lingard @LingardLorelei  Stefanie Sebok-Syer @StefSebok 

Holly Caretta-Weyer @holly_cw    Linda Snell @LindaSMedEd     

Cees van der Vlueten @CvanderVleuten  Shiphra Ginsburg @sginsburg1

Olle ten Cate @olletencate     Catherine Lucey @CatherineRLucey

Chris Watling @ChrisWatling3    Felix Ankel @felixankel

Elaine Van Melle @elainevanmelle   Rodrigo Cavalcanti @RB_Cavalcanti

Brian Wong @Brian_M_Wong     Kaveh Shojania @kgshojania

Jennifer O'Toole @BusymomJen     Larry Hurtubise @hur2buzy

Ben Kinnear @Midwest_MedPeds     Dana Sall @mededsall   Matt Kelleher @kelzj3

Vinny Arora @FutureDocs  Bob Englander @BobEnglanderMD   

Mark Goldszmidt @MGoldszmidt   Jo Busari @jobusar   Adina Kalet @AKaletMD

Jennifer Kesselhiem @DrKesselheim   Erik Driessen @erikwdriessen

Carlos Collares @carlosfcollares   Anthony Artino @mededdoc  Lara Varpio @LaraVarpio

Lauren Maggio @LaurenMaggio  Andrea Gingerich @RaterCognition
