Weekly Announcements: 7/06/18

We know the hospital has been incredibly busy! Thank you for all your hard work, especially during this transitional time in July. Keep it up! Thank you, thank you, thank you - the chiefs

Reminder to all Long Blockers: Remember to be checking your clinic schedules. Keep in mind that you can still have clinic during AOD, ED, and ICU rotations. Remember these rules for your clinic schedules: 1) Epic is the gold standard for personal clinic schedules 2) Specialty clinics ONLY show up on Amion

Speaking of clinic, the August and September schedules are now posted on Amion for Long Blockers! 3) When in doubt touch base with Elyse and/or your nursing team

We now have a nurse practitioner inpatient cardiology team at UCMC! The team will admit and cap at 10 patients. It be covered by the attending cardiolgist at night. Please talk to the chiefs and/or AOD for more specific information on the team

The process for a transfer to Ridgeway has changed slightly. Instead of consulting the GIM attending, you will page the Ridgeway attending directly (see email for specifics). The remainder of the process stays the same. Not sure if your patient is appropriate for Ridgeway? Check out the Ridgeway patient criteria in the Logistics section of "Inpatient Resources" of the website

Want to know if you got all those Acid-Base problems right in your workbook after Half Day? Check out the answersheet in the AHD section of "Education" on the website

Please continue submitting Shout Outs and tagging your pictures to @outsidethesilverfridge on Instagram

Internal Medicine residents are now eligible for a big discount on gym membership at the Cincinnati Sports Club starting July 15. If you’re interested then email kinneabn@ucmail.uc.edu about enrolling for a membership. Be sure to get your paperwork into Liz by July 11th