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Gilbert Syndrome

This case was a young female presenting with otherwise asymptomatic scleral icterus following a stressor. Notable on her labs was indirect hyperbilirubinemia without evidence of hemolytic anemia. Her next step in management should be routine medical care.

Gilbert Syndrome is defined as benign, familial, mild, unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia related to deficiency in bilirubin UGT activity. The condition may be diagnosed incidentally at a routine medical examination or when blood being examined for another reason. Jaundice is mild and intermittent. Bilirubin levels are most often <3 mg/dl5. Jaundice may follow an intercurrent infection, fasting/dehydration, or other stressor. Had the patient shown evidence of anemia, we could have investigated for hemolytic anemias, such as G6PD.