Weekly Announcements

Thank you to everyone who has completed the Silver Fridge Needs Assessment survey sent out this week. If you haven’t completed it yet, please take a few minutes to complete the survey and help us make the website the best possible resource.

Residents, please make sure to go to myKnowledge and complete the annual mandatory training recently assigned!

The Residency Coaching Program is starting! This will be a great way to get feedback after rotations and improve your clinical skills with the assistance of a coach. We are hoping to learn as much as can from this process so please take time to complete the voluntary and anonymous survey that you were emailed this week

All IM and MP residents are eligible to receive a complimentary e-subscription to The American Journal of Medicine in 2019! Just complete this online form by 11/19/18. The subscription starts in January

A-Train updates!

  • In Resident Clinic, interns will be responsible for Acute Visits only . Each intern can only see up to 2 patients in a day (for Oct/Nov)

  • Interns, please show your inpatient senior your clinic schedule on the first day of the rotation. Seniors cannot take off on your clinic day

  • A-Train clinic is still an expectation during VA Wards. Attendings and seniors have been reminded to make sure interns can get to clinic

  • Vacation, VA MICU, inpatient Neurology, and Night Medicine are all rotations that are exempt from A-Train clinic

Flu/TB and Requirements—MUST BE DONE BY EVERY RESIDENT BY 5 pm 12/10/18
Annual Flu vaccinations and TB tests will be available during the months of October and November. Flu vaccinations and TB tests are required for ALL residents, regardless of start date. Residents and Fellows will have the following vaccination and TB test options:

  • Resident Lunches:
    Tuesday 11/13 - 10:45 am to 1:15 pm

  • B Pavilion, Room 1107:
    Mondays 10/15-11/26 9 am to 3 pm
    Tuesdays 10/16-11/27 9 am to 3 pm
    Fridays 10/19-11/30 (closed 11/23) 9 am to 3 pm

  • Associate Health and Wellness at the UC Health Business Center, A Level (South Entrance), 3200 Burnet:
    Mondays-Thursdays 6:30 am to 5 pm
    Fridays 6:30 am to 4 pm

Please remember to mark the "Follow Up" tasks as complete in Epic. This process is essential and long-call and overnight to ensure (and document) that important items are being done

Please continue submitting Shout Outs and tagging your pictures to @outsidethesilverfridge on Instagram

Journal Club: Quality Improvement in COPD

Journal Club: Quality Improvement in COPD

The next Journal Club will be on 10/22 and will cover a paper published on the COPD Quality Improvement research done by our very own Dr. Zafar. He will be at JC so make sure you take some time to get familiar with the research and come with questions!

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Academic Half Day: Anemia

Academic Half Day: Anemia

This week’s AHD will focus on anemia. We have some great reviews and articles on common topics that you encounter with anemia in the hospital. Give it a look

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EKG of the Week

EKG of the Week

Ever wonder what goes on in the heads of Cardiologists as they read EKGs? Test out your EKG reading chops with the Weekly EKGs and have our expert Dr. Ohlbaum walk you through her thought process as she interprets them.

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Weekly Announcements

Epic Secure Text Messaging is coming to UCMC and will be available to physicians and residents starting October 15th (Monday). More education to come on this new feature. In the meantime, please make sure that you have Haiku (Epic) downloaded to your smartphone and that you can sign into the app. If you need assistance, check out the "Technology and Apps" presentation found in Intern Orientation under the "Essentials" tab

The Residency Coaching Program is starting soon! This will be a great way to get feedback after rotations and improve your clinical skills with the assistance of a coach. We are hoping to learna as much as can from this process so please take time to complete the voluntary and anonymous survey that you were emailed this week

All IM and MP residents are eligible to receive a complimentary e-subscription to The American Journal of Medicine in 2019! Just complete this online form by 11/19/18. The subscription starts in January

R1s! Make sure that you schedule your annual evaluation with Dr. Rouan. Complete the doodle poll that Jillian sent you to secure a date

The review for the GIM Mathis test is on 10/16. If you would like to review any other Mathis tests from the last year, touch base with Amanda

Please remember to mark the "Follow Up" tasks as complete in Epic. This process is essential and long-call and overnight to ensure (and document) that important items are being done

Flu/TB and Requirements—MUST BE DONE BY EVERY RESIDENT BY 5 pm 12/10/18
Annual Flu vaccinations and TB tests will be available during the months of October and November. Flu vaccinations and TB tests are required for ALL residents, regardless of start date. Residents and Fellows will have the following vaccination and TB test options:

  • Resident Lunches:
    Tuesday 10/9 and Tuesday 11/13– 10:45 am to 1:15 pm

  • UCMC Across from Starbucks:
    Tuesday 10/2 10 am to 2 pm
    Tuesday 10/9 11 am to 1:30 pm (Benefit Fair)
    Friday 10/12 10 am to 2 pm

  • B Pavilion, Room 1107:
    Mondays 10/15-11/26 9 am to 3 pm
    Tuesdays 10/16-11/27 9 am to 3 pm
    Fridays 10/19-11/30 (closed 11/23) 9 am to 3 pm

  • Associate Health and Wellness at the UC Health Business Center, A Level (South Entrance), 3200 Burnet:
    Mondays-Thursdays 6:30 am to 5 pm
    Fridays 6:30 am to 4 pm

We want to make this site the best possible resource for residents. If you have any feedback and/or ideas, then feel free to let us know in the anonymous "Feedback" section found on the sidebar

Please continue submitting Shout Outs and tagging your pictures to @outsidethesilverfridge on Instagram

What Medical School Doesn’t Teach You: Part One

What Medical School Doesn’t Teach You: Part One

The Nature of Humanity.

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1 Comment

Weekly Announcements

There has been some recent confusion about documentation and policies regarding medical students. You can view the UH policies here, refer to the email about this, or find the policies in the "Inpatient Resource"->"General Inpatient Logistics". Reminder, it is your responsibility to ensure you are following these policies! If you have any questions please email Danielle Weber, weber2de@ucmail.uc.edu

Please remember to mark the "Follow Up" tasks as complete in Epic. This process is essential and long-call and overnight to ensure (and document) that important items are being done

The QI group for IM Research has an exciting endeavor that will soon be rolling out:
Once a month during NR, we will have a lecture series to go over some of the basics of getting your research process moving forward. The topics will include:

  • Finding a mentor
  • Hypothesis generation
  • How to write an IRB
  • How to go about transmitting results via abstracts, manuscripts, and meetings ​

They will also be distributing:

  • A list of mentors sorted by specialty for residents to reference
  • Updated Conference List for national specialty meetings
  • Research curriculum from November to February

Flu/TB and Requirements—MUST BE DONE BY EVERY RESIDENT BY 5 pm 12/10/18
Annual Flu vaccinations and TB tests will be available during the months of October and November. Flu vaccinations and TB tests are required for ALL residents, regardless of start date. Residents and Fellows will have the following vaccination and TB test options:

  • Resident Lunches:
    Tuesday 10/9 and Tuesday 11/13– 10:45 am to 1:15 pm

  • UCMC Across from Starbucks:
    Tuesday 10/2 10 am to 2 pm
    Tuesday 10/9 11 am to 1:30 pm (Benefit Fair)
    Friday 10/12 10 am to 2 pm

  • B Pavilion, Room 1107:
    Mondays 10/15-11/26 9 am to 3 pm
    Tuesdays 10/16-11/27 9 am to 3 pm
    Fridays 10/19-11/30 (closed 11/23) 9 am to 3 pm

  • Associate Health and Wellness at the UC Health Business Center, A Level (South Entrance), 3200 Burnet:
    Mondays-Thursdays 6:30 am to 5 pm
    Fridays 6:30 am to 4 pm

Current Long Block 12 residents: if you would like to review ANY of the prior AAP tests you haven't taken this past year, please schedule a time with Amanda in the IM office

New Long Block 13 residents: please sign up for group visits. These visits are a unique outpatient experience where patients with a shared experience meet up together with health staff to reach a shared goal

You will soon be sent a survey about the Silver Fridge website. We want to make this site the best possible resource for residents. Please take time to fill it out. If you have further feedback and/or ideas, then feel free to let us know in the "Feedback" section found on the sidebar

Please continue submitting Shout Outs and tagging your pictures to @outsidethesilverfridge on Instagram

Where Did All the Difficult Patients Go?

Where Did All the Difficult Patients Go?

Experience + Reflection = Wisdom

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1 Comment

EKG of the Week

EKG of the Week

Ever wonder what goes on in the heads of Cardiologists as they read EKGs? Test out your EKG reading chops with the Weekly EKGs and have our expert Dr. Ohlbaum walk you through her thought process as she interprets them.

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Weekly Announcements

There has been some recent confusion about documentation and policies regarding medical students. You can view the UH policies here, refer to the email about this, or find the policies in the "Inpatient Resource"->"General Inpatient Logistics". Reminder, it is your responsibility to ensure you are following these policies! If you have any questions please email Danielle Weber, weber2de@ucmail.uc.edu

Please remember to mark the "Follow Up" tasks as complete in Epic. This process is essential and long-call and overnight to ensure (and document) that important items are being done

The QI group for IM Research has an exciting endeavor that will soon be rolling out:
Once a month during NR, we will have a lecture series to go over some of the basics of getting your research process moving forward. The topics will include:

  • Finding a mentor
  • Hypothesis generation
  • How to write an IRB
  • How to go about transmitting results via abstracts, manuscripts, and meetings

They will also be distributing:

  • A list of mentors sorted by specialty for residents to reference
  • Updated Conference List for national specialty meetings
  • Research curriculum from November to February

Flu/TB and Requirements—MUST BE DONE BY EVERY RESIDENT BY 5 pm 12/10/18
Annual Flu vaccinations and TB tests will be available during the months of October and November. Flu vaccinations and TB tests are required for ALL residents, regardless of start date. Residents and Fellows will have the following vaccination and TB test options:

  • Resident Lunches:
    Tuesday 10/9 and Tuesday 11/13– 10:45 am to 1:15 pm

  • UCMC Across from Starbucks:
    Tuesday 10/2 10 am to 2 pm
    Tuesday 10/9 11 am to 1:30 pm (Benefit Fair)
    Friday 10/12 10 am to 2 pm

  • B Pavilion, Room 1107:
    Mondays 10/15-11/26 9 am to 3 pm
    Tuesdays 10/16-11/27 9 am to 3 pm
    Fridays 10/19-11/30 (closed 11/23) 9 am to 3 pm

  • Associate Health and Wellness at the UC Health Business Center, A Level (South Entrance), 3200 Burnet:
    Mondays-Thursdays 6:30 am to 5 pm
    Fridays 6:30 am to 4 pm

New Long Block 13 residents: please sign up for group visits. These visits are a unique outpatient experience where patients with a shared experience meet up together with health staff to reach a shared goal

You will soon be sent a survey about the Silver Fridge website. We want to make this the best possible resource for residents. Please take time to fill it out. If you have further feedback and/or ideas, then feel free to let us know if the "Feedback" section on the website

Please continue submitting Shout Outs and tagging your pictures to @outsidethesilverfridge on Instagram