EKG of the Week

EKG of the Week

Ever wonder what goes on in the heads of Cardiologists as they read EKGs? Test out your EKG reading chops with the Weekly EKGs and have our expert Dr. Ohlbaum walk you through her thought process as she interprets them.

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Weekly Announcements

The events in downtown Cincinnati on Thursday were tragic. One way to support our community is through blood donation. If you would like donate, the UC location of Hoxworth Blood Center is open Wednedays 10:30AM - 6PM and Thursdays 11:30AM - 7PM. You can call to schedule an appointment at (513) 451-0910. More information and other locations to donate is available on Hoxworth's website

Internal Medicine Reds tickets are available for this weekend. Check in with Amanda in the IM office if you're interested!

Please double check your schedule for your assigned ITE dates and let the chiefs know if there is any issue. Test-taking dates are very limited

Hepatitis A Alert! Use proper hand hygiene! There has been an increase in the number of cases of Hepatitis A around Cincinnati recently with a couple healthcare providers contracting the virus, so please do what's right and wash your hands frequently.

There is a discount for UWorld Step 3! Let William Chapman know via email (chapmawm@ucmail.uc.edu), and he can arrange for a discount.

OHSU is offering a one-year POC Ultrasound fellowship for soon to graduate PGY3s or practicing physicians. No ultrasound experience is required prior to this fellowship. You can learn more about it and apply here

Please continue submitting Shout Outs and tagging your pictures to @outsidethesilverfridge on Instagram

10 Thoughts on Public Speaking from A Seasoned Program Director

10 Thoughts on Public Speaking from A Seasoned Program Director

How to Go from Nervous to Calm When you Present In Front of a Crowd

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EKG of the Week

EKG of the Week

Ever wonder what goes on in the heads of Cardiologists as they read EKGs? Test out your EKG reading chops with the Weekly EKGs and have our expert Dr. Ohlbaum walk you through her thought process as she interprets them.

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A Starter List of #meded Leaders

A Starter List of #meded Leaders

How to be there, even when you’re not.  A starter list of #meded leaders active on twitter — please add to it!

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Weekly Announcements

Hepatitis A Alert! Use proper hand hygiene! There has been an increase in the number of cases of Hepatitis A around Cincinnati recently with a couple healthcare providers contracting the virus, so please do what's right and wash your hands frequently. If you are not immune to Hep A and would like to get vaccinated, you can: the vaccine costs a little over $100 and is available at most clinics.

Please remember: Do not take patients outside

Tunneled Lines must be removed by IR and cannot be removed on the floor by IM residents or nurses

Reminder: Acting Interns' History and Physical notes are not billable- only their progress notes.

There is a discount for UWorld Step 3! Let William Chapman know via email ( chapmawm@ucmail.uc.edu), and he can arrange for a discount.

2nd Annual University of Cincinnati GIM Conference: Updates Every General Practitioner Needs to Know at Manor House on Sat, September 8, 2018. 7:30 AM – 3:30 PM EDT. Cost of attendance is $50. For more information regarding this event, you can contact duboseca@ucmail.uc.edu

Please continue submitting Shout Outs and tagging your pictures to @outsidethesilverfridge on Instagram

EKG of the Week

EKG of the Week

Ever wonder what goes on in the heads of Cardiologists as they read EKGs? Test out your EKG reading chops with the Weekly EKGs and have our expert Dr. Ohlbaum walk you through her thought process as she interprets them

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Weekly Announcement

Complete your rotation and peer-to-peer evaluation! Otherwise you may find out that Dr. Warm has particular set of skills, skills he has acquired over a very long career. Skills that make him a nightmare for people who don't complete evals. If you do your evaluations now, that'll be the end of it. He will not look for you, he will not pursue you. But if you don't, he will look for you, he will find you, and he will make you complete the evaluations.

Please remember: if you are scheduled for noon report on a Friday, this is a split intern and senior report. This means that both members of the team need to be ready to present the case and learning points. Intern NR is in the noon report room, senior noon report is in the GI work room

The next Medical Education Pathway meeting is this upcoming Monday, August 27th from 12:00-1:30 in Mark Brown Library. The topic is Assessment and being led by Dr. Warm!

Please get your golden requests in for November and December! Deadline for submission is September 1st

Long Blockers, couple of things to be aware of:

  • Please be working to close your clinic notes ASAP. You should complete the notes within 48 hours. Weekends are not exceptions. It is 48 hours : )
  • Complete the wet prep training on MyKnowledge

Congratulations to those who have completed their ITEs! Good luck to everyone taking it in September. Study hard and may the odds be in your favor!

Please continue submitting Shout Outs and tagging your pictures to @outsidethesilverfridge on Instagram

What if Negative Feedback was Just Called Feedback?

What if Negative Feedback was Just Called Feedback?

Stinking Roses and The Feedback Sandwich — Why the word ‘negative’ turns feedback painful, and what you can do about it.

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EKG of the Week

EKG of the Week

Ever wonder what goes on in the heads of Cardiologists as they read EKGs? Test out your EKG reading chops with the Weekly EKGs and have our expert Dr. Ohlbaum walk you through her thought process as she interprets them.

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