Weekly Announcements: 2/8/19

  • 2019 Fit Testing NEEDS TO BE DONE IN JAN/FEB 2019!

    • All residents/fellows who enter airborne isolation rooms must have fit testing done during the month of February.  Residents must call Associate Health & Wellness at 513-585-6600 to schedule their fit test.  Walk in’s will not be accepted, these appointments must be scheduled. 

    • Associate Health & Wellness is available in B Pavilion Rm 1107 for fit testing Monday through Friday from 8-12 and 1-3 PM, or at Associate Health & Wellness at the Business Center from 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM

  • Resident Appreciation Lunch is coming up on 2/12 from 11:30-1. Be sure to pick it up in the cafeteria

  • There are a few spaces still available for the IM board review course in the Clifton Marriott. If you're interested and your clinical schedule allows, email Jillian Nolte

  • MKSAP 18 is now fully accessible!! All questions and texts are available in both print and online form

    • We will now be releasing a 5-question quiz every Monday that covers past and future AHD topics. 

    • Please take 10 or 15 minutes to complete these quizzes - remember, it's all to facilitate long term retention of your AHD knowledge!

  • There will be a bone marrow drive at UCMC on 2/13 and in the MSB on 2/14. We would love to have volunteers if you are available. Volunteer orientation will be 2/8 in MSB. Please contact Eric Vick or Logan Roof for details if you're interested!

  • Feedback and improvement sessions for Geographic Wards will be every Tuesday and Friday in the UH NRR at 3PM. Come by with any thoughts. Remember to use the UCMC Geographic Wards page for updated information

  • Please continue submitting Shout Outs and tagging your pictures to @outsidethesilverfridge on Instagram