Weekly Announcements: 2/22/19

  • 2019 Fit Testing NEEDS TO BE DONE IN BY 2/28/19!

    • All residents/fellows who enter airborne isolation rooms must have fit testing done by 2/28/19. See Liz's emails for specifics

    • Residents must call Associate Health & Wellness at 513-585-6600 to schedule their fit test.  Walk in’s will not be accepted. Associate Health & Wellness is available in B Pavilion Rm 1107 for fit testing Monday - Friday from 8-12 and 1-3 PM, or at Associate Health & Wellness at the Business Center from 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM

    • If you do not complete it in time, you will be pulled from service - this will have negative consequences including, but not limited to, additional jeopardy

  • The 2019 Resident Olympics continues! Orange is currently in the lead! Check out the Resident Olympics Page to get updated score and lists of events. Remember!

    • Karaoke at Tokyo Kitty is happening on Sunday at 7 PM. Come show us your skills!

    • Treasure Hunt ends at sundown on 2/22. Each clue is worth 10 points, so you can still gain points for your team

    • Next week's events include pager shuffleboard, Dress Like an Attending competition, and the Triathlon. Get pumped!!

    • You can submit Memes or Art to Elyse at any time before 2/27

    • We are having a step count competition. Use your phone, smart watch, fit-bit, etc. to count your daily steps (day starts at midnight and lasts 24 hours). Text a screenshot or photo of your total steps in the past 24 hours to Elyse. Include YOUR NAME in text

  • The Internal Medicine Research Symposium is happening in MSB on 4/5/19! It's a fantastic way for residents to present images in medicine as well as any research projects. This is an excellent venue to illustrate your hard work as well as a nice addition to your CV :)

    • "Images in Medicine" submission deadline is 3/8/19

    • Research poster submission deadline is 3/15/19

  • The UC COM Golfers Association is hosting their annual "Re-Search For Your Ball Golf Scramble" on 4/27 to raise money for the UC Memory Disorder Center. Residents and faculty are welcome to participate by playing in the scramble or sponsoring a hole. If you are interested, please contact the organizers at uccomgolfers@gmail.com for registration forms and inquiries about sponsoring

  • Matt Kelleher & Dana Sall are the course directors for the Clinical Skills course for MS1&2's and wanted to invite residents to participate in a unique teaching opportunity. They are looking for volunteers in February and March for 1-hour sessions, where you observe students conducting an H+P with the SP (~35-40 minutes), then provide direct feedback and teach students “at the bedside.” You will be provided a facilitator guide for each case. The final step will be observing the students giving a brief oral presentation followed by your feedback. The entire encounter will take approximately 55-60 minutes of your time. Feel free to email Matt (kellehmw@ucmail.uc.edu) or Dana (sallda@ucmail.uc.edu) directly with questions. Otherwise, if interested, please sign up for slots

  • Submissions to Ohio ACP is now open! Please consider submitting any research projects that you have been working on!

  • Feedback and improvement sessions for Geographic Wards will be every Tuesday and Friday in the UH NRR at 2PM. Come by with any thoughts. Remember to use the UCMC Geographic Wards page for updated information

  • Please continue submitting Shout Outs and tagging your pictures to @outsidethesilverfridge on Instagram