Weekly Announcements: 1/25/19

  • 2019 Fit Testing NEEDS TO BE DONE IN JAN/FEB 2019!

    • All residents/fellows who enter airborne isolation rooms must have fit testing done during the month of January & February.  Residents must call Associate Health & Wellness at 513-585-6600 to schedule their fit test.  Walk in’s will not be accepted, these appointments must be scheduled. 

    • Associate Health & Wellness is available in B Pavilion Rm 1107 for fit testing Monday through Friday from 8-12 and 1-3 PM, or at Associate Health & Wellness at the Business Center from 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM

  • The CHAMPIONS group is working with Dr. Varghai to get residents involved with the MedVoUC (Medical Volunteers of UC) program. These clinics are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:30 PM- 9PM.  Two nights a month are at the Women's shelter, the rest are at the Men's shelter. There are medical and pharmacy students as well as pharmacy and physician preceptors. As residents, you can precept the clinics independently or precept the medical students with attending backup based upon your OH license.  If you’re interested, please sign up! The location, time, and address for each clinic date is within the signups.

  • Duty hours are incredibly important! Both from a Department and GME perspective and need to be done WEEKLY! Because of some lagging with this reporting, there will be some significant changes coming to duty hours and consequences of not reporting. Please see the email from Jillian for specifics. 

  • Change day is coming up this upcoming Monday and Tuesday, and thus we will have residents new to our Geographic system

    • Noon Reports on Monday and Tuesday will be dedicated to resident education with the Geographic Ward system

    • If you are about to start UH Wards, please take some time to review the  UCMC Geographic Wards page

  • Speaking of Geo Wards, a continued thank you to everyone who has been working hard and giving us feedback on the new system. We are working hard to make changes and improve everywhere possible

    • We are having regular meetings at 3 PM in the UH NRR on Monday-Friday to get your feedback - please attend, even if only for 5 minutes. We need your help to know where to improve

    • If you miss a 3 PM meeting or want to know what was discussed, the minutes of these meetings and answers to questions will be posted daily in the “3 PM Meeting / Feedback” section on the geographic wards page

    • You can also fill out the feedback section at the bottom of the UCMC Geographic Wards page

  • Please continue submitting Shout Outs and tagging your pictures to @outsidethesilverfridge on Instagram