Weekly Announcements: 8/3/18

We've made some changes to Inside The Silver Fridge in the Inpatient Resources section. Check out the Inpatient Logistics, Rotational Guides, and Reading Lists to find helpful documents and articles to help you suceed on the Wards. If you think anything should be added or are interested in writing a "how to" for any particualr rotation, let Gene or Greg know

For those of you who bought MKSAP 18 under the program's subsidized plan, it should arrive by 8/31. In the meantime, you need to get your payment to Liz in MSB 6058 by 8/10. The final cost is $149.00 for the complete version or $100.00 for the digital only version. Make your checks payable to the "University of Cincinnati"

If you haven't done so already, please pick up your new call room keys from Liz in MSB 6058

Have you ever said a patient "endorses shortness of breath"? Well Dr. Warm has something to say about that. Read his newest addition to Dr. Warm's Learning Corner

ITE schedules went out this week, please make note of your scheduled date. Be on the look out for ITE test location assignments and instruction emails from Jillian early next week

FYI (especially for you seniors and AODs): Due to national shortage of DOPAmine pre-mixed bags, the CPR committee has approved removing this item from all UCMC crash carts. Although DOPAmine is rarely used from the crash carts, at least one pre-mixed bag has been stocked in an Omnicell machine on each floor similar to Code Violet meds

Interns, the H&P evaluation is now in MedHub! Soon you will start to see evaluations when you're on UH wards and hospitalist teams. Click this link to get a helpful H&P checklist with tips/tricks (also posted in the lounge and workroom). Helpful materials will also be permanently available on the website soon!

Please continue submitting Shout Outs and tagging your pictures to @outsidethesilverfridge on Instagram