Weekly Announcements 8/10/18

Did you know that UC recently expanded its palliative care consult service? If you have a patient that you think would benefit from palliative care or hospice, please consult them. In addition, they are looking to get resident feedback on the consult service. If you would like to be involved or have any thoughts, email Dr. Herbst at Lori.Herbst@cchmc.org

If you are consulting Interventional Radiology, please be sure to place a consult order in Epic AND call via the paging center/Amion to discuss the consult. If there is no Epic consult order, IR cannot complete the consult

If you are planning to present during the Resident Poster Presentations on 9/19, then turn your abstract into Jillian ASAP. The deadline for poster layout assistance by the UC printshop is 8/17. See Jillian's recent email for further details

The Doctor's Dilemma group has begun practicing and you are invited! Their practice jeopardy sessions are a fun way to study for the ITE, boards, or upcoming Mathis tests. The next session is in the noon report room on 8/13 and will cover Endocrine. Come join!

Be on the look out for a new feature on the Silver Fridge soon! With the help of Dr. Ohlbaum, we will soon be introducing a "Weekly EKG" section that features interesting EKGs and Dr. O's interpretation. I have palpitations just thinking abou it

We've made some changes to Inside The Silver Fridge in the Inpatient Resources section. Check out the Inpatient Logistics, Rotational Guides, and Reading Lists to find helpful documents and articles to help you suceed on the Wards. If you think anything should be added or are interested in writing a "how to" for any particualr rotation, let Gene or Greg know

Please continue submitting Shout Outs and tagging your pictures to @outsidethesilverfridge on Instagram