Weekly Announcements 7/27/2018

Dr. Warm's Learning Corner has a new post: Interleaving and You. Check it out!

Long Blockers:  Last call for October long block vacation requests.

Reminder: MKSAP 18 orders are due by Monday, July 30th.  See Liz's email for more details

All residents: Please visit Liz in the Residency Office (MSB 6058) to pick up your call room keys. UCMC has replaced the locks for on-call rooms

Attention categoricals, PSTP, and prelims! The IM program will paying your membership dues for 2018-19. If you have already paid, send Liz the reciept for reimbursement

Please continue submitting Shout Outs and tagging your pictures to @outsidethesilverfridge on Instagram