Weekly Announcements

The Internal Medicine Resident Picnic is this Saturday (6/23) at the Otto Armleder Park. Starting at noon!
Come enjoy burgers, hot dogs, and hanging with co-residents! If rains, then event with be moved to
Dr. Warm’s house. Be on the lookout for email if the weather is bad.

Join us at Chapter in Mount Adams on Tuesday 6/26 at 6:30 PM for a happy hour with the new interns

Current interns, soon-to-be R2s! Remember that R2 retreat is 6/28 at Cincinnati Sports Club, starting
at 9:30 AM. Get ready to retreat yo’ self

Internal Medicine residents are now eligible for a big discount on gym membership at the Cincinnati
Sports Club starting in mid-July. More info to come during orientation and retreat. If you’re interested
then email kinneabn@ucmail.uc.edu

Please stop by the Residency Office in MSB 6058 to sign your contracts for 2018-2019 if you not
already done so

Follow our new Instagram account for the website @outsidethesilverfridge, tag us and we will post
your pictures!