Weekly Announcements: 12/21/18

  • Geographic Wards is set to begin on 1/9. We have a training plan in place for all the residents before then so that you will be prepared. Be on the lookout for specific emails, updates to the website. Here is the schedule:

    • Thursday 1/3/19

      • Senior Prep and AHD will be dedicated to Geo Wards education

    • Friday 1/4/19

      • Blue, Yellow, Orange, Purple, and Hosp1: 1-2 PM in UH NRR

      • Medical Step Down: 1-2 PM in UH NRR

    • Monday 1/7/19

      • Red: 2-3 PM in UH NRR

      • NMT: 7-8 PM in UH NRR

    • Tuesday 1/8/19

      • Subspecialties (Cards, Renal, H/O, GI): 1-2 PM in UH NRR

    • Wednesday 1/9/19 and beyond

      • All resident follow-up: 3 PM in UH NRR

  • R2's: be on the lookout for information on ACLS/BLS renewal in the coming weeks! 

  • To the residents that will be working this Holiday Season: THANK YOU! Your work is incredibly important and even more appreciated in this season

  • Academic Half Day and Senior Prep will be cancelled on 12/27 for the Holidays! Both will restart on 1/3/19

  • Monday Clinic Meeting is on hiatus for the next few weeks for the Holiday Season. It will start back up in the new year on 1/7/19

  • We are officially on a break with the interview season. Thank you for all the dinners, noon reports, afternoon in the Mark Brown Library. Our next interview is on 1/4. Please join us on 1/3 at Taft's Ale House the night before

  • Faculty, we would love for you to attend Noon Reports on interview days. The NRs are case-based and take place in MSB 5051. See you there!

  • Please continue submitting Shout Outs and tagging your pictures to @outsidethesilverfridge on Instagram