Weekly Announcements: 11/30/18

  • Current LBer's and PSTPer's: Please email Li Rowley if you're interested in her participating in her outpatient EPIC training course for clinic

  • Faculty, we would love for you to attend Noon Reports on interview days. The NRs are case-based and take place in MSB 5051. See you there!

  • Recruitment season is here! All are welcome to come to Mark Brown Library every interview day from 1-3PM to meet applicants and show them how amazing you are

  • If you haven’t already - Please sign up for dinners via the sheet sent emailed out. Next dinner is at TAFT'S ALE HOUSE on Friday 11/30 at 6 PM

  • Residents, please make sure to go to myKnowledge and complete the annual mandatory training recently assigned! It’s due 12/10

  • Flu/TB and Requirements—MUST BE DONE BY EVERY RESIDENT BY 5 pm 12/10/18. Annual Flu vaccinations and TB tests will be available during the months of October and November. Flu vaccinations and TB tests are required for ALL residents, regardless of start date. Residents and Fellows will have the following vaccination and TB test options:

    • Associate Health and Wellness at the UC Health Business Center, A Level (South Entrance), 3200 Burnet

      • Mondays-Thursdays 6:30 am to 5 pm

      • Fridays 6:30 am to 4 pm

  • Please continue submitting Shout Outs and tagging your pictures to @outsidethesilverfridge on Instagram