Weekly Announcements: 11/2/18

  1. We will be ordering new IM jackets soon. This year’s will be a North Face for all those mountainous conditions you encounter in the hospital. If you would like a jacket, please respond to Greg’s email with the jacket SEX, SIZE, and COLOR. Orders are due by November 8th!!

  2. We’ve noticed attendance at Academic Half Day has been tapering off a bit. As a reminder, AHD is a required conference for all interns and medical students. The only rotations where AHD is NOT an expectation are UH/VA nights, VA MICU long call, and vacation. If you are on Neuro, UH/VA Wards (any call), consults (including those with afternoon rounds), or any other rotation then you are excused from clinical duties on Thursdays from 1 - 3:30 PM in order attend AHD. If you have any problem getting to AHD or being excused, please let one of the chiefs know so that we can help out

  3. Dr. Warm’s 13th Annual Internal Medicine Residency Party (the Long Block Throwdown) is happening Friday on 11/2 at 7 PM (TONIGHT). Come enjoy a night of fall treats, libations, and the chiefs dressed up in a collective Halloween costume

  4. As part of an initiative to address the crowding issue at rapids and codes at UCMC, in partnership several divisions we are refining the protocol for who attends. Please see Elliott’s recent email for more specifics. You can find specifics on the protocol under “Medicine Wards” in General Inpatient Logistics

  5. Recruitment season is upon us. This year we will be having dinners at Nicholson’s, Taft’s Ale House, Moerline Lager House, and Montgomery Inn Boathouse. Please sign up for dinners via the sheet sent emailed out, first dinner is 11/12/18!!

  6. As part of the cohorting/geographic wards project, the Long Call and Night Float team is thinking about the best way to handle presentations of new admissions and they want resident input!! Please complete the appropriate survey below by Monday, November 12th.  It is completely anonymous.  The survey can be completed in as little as 10 minutes but please take the time to answer these questions completely. We appreciate your time and effort!

    Senior survey & Intern survey

  7. Residents, please make sure to go to myKnowledge and complete the annual mandatory training recently assigned!

  8. Long Block 12 is in charge of filling November chronic pain medications. Long Block 13 will take over this process in December

  9. Did you know the residency program has a Google Calendar that includes info like who is scheduled to present noon report and Medical Grand Rounds topics? The information for recruitment season was also recently added included dates and locations of interview dinners as well as dates of interview days. You can sync the Google calendar to your personal device to stay up with the regularly updated events

  10. Flu/TB and Requirements—MUST BE DONE BY EVERY RESIDENT BY 5 pm 12/10/18. Annual Flu vaccinations and TB tests will be available during the months of October and November. Flu vaccinations and TB tests are required for ALL residents, regardless of start date. Residents and Fellows will have the following vaccination and TB test options:

    Resident Lunches:
    Tuesday 11/13 - 10:45 am to 1:15 pm

    B Pavilion, Room 1107:
    Mondays 10/15-11/26 9 am to 3 pm
    Tuesdays 10/16-11/27 9 am to 3 pm
    Fridays 10/19-11/30 (closed 11/23) 9 am to 3 pm

    Associate Health and Wellness at the UC Health Business Center, A Level (South Entrance), 3200 Burnet:
    Mondays-Thursdays 6:30 am to 5 pm
    Fridays 6:30 am to 4 pm

  11. Please continue submitting Shout Outs and tagging your pictures to @outsidethesilverfridge on Instagram