Statistical Support at University of Cincinnati
Statistics and data analysis are important for almost every project and can be intimidating. Fortunately, through Academic Research Services we have access to a statistician who will help guide you along the way. They assist in project design, organizing data, and analysis. The goal of working with the statistician is not that they do all the work, but that they guide you and teach you during the process. Below are some tips to maximize this experience:
Meet with a statistician during the design phase, prior to starting your project. This is crucial to organizing your data in the best way possible, so that it can be analyzed in a meaningful way.
The more data points and variables collected the better. It is easier to not include something than to have to re-review charts to acquire more information.
Email Dr. Eric Smith ( or Yolanda Wess ( to submit your request for DOIM biostats based services.
Include your contact information and state that you are a resident or fellow in the Department of Internal Medicine who needs statistical help from Roman Jandarov.
You will then receive an email on how to contact Roman Jandarov.