Welcome to The Silver Fridge

The education website for Cincinnati’s Internal Medicine Residency

Why The Silver Fridge? Located in the internal medicine resident lounge, the silver fridge is a source of sustenance for our residency programs - the proverbial watering hole around which all life revolves. It brings us nourishment and keeps a watchful eye over us as we learn and grow in residency.

Congratulations to our residents on the Fellowship Match 2024!

Our residents once again had a 100% fellowship match rate this year! We are so proud of all of our future fellows and can’t wait to see these stars shine at their future programs! See below for a full list of residents, where they matched, and a map of their future homes!

About Our Program

We invite you to explore some of the educational materials that we have developed on this website. Check out the “Education” page to view some distance learning modules created by our residents and to see some talks given by our fellows.

Below, you’ll find examples of the content for our Thursday learning, Weesner Prep and Academic Half Day. On Thursdays, we divide our education into Weesner Prep for Seniors and Academic Half Day for Interns and students.

At Weesner Prep, senior residents review a core topic in internal medicine focusing on senior-specific learning objectives with the chiefs. We review recent literature, cost-conscious care, and ABIM practice questions. Seniors then have one week to review fundamentals of the topic with their interns and students in preparation for Academic Half Day.

The following week, students and interns work through practice cases in small groups with chief residents and faculty preceptors at Academic Half Day.

Want to know more about our approach to learning? Check out the video below!